Sunday, August 10, 2008

We live in a very interesting era. If that doesn’t excite you then check with your interstellar travel agent!. Personally that fact makes life much more interesting to me! I hope you have the same view. But the Chinese had one of their wise sayings more of a curse, really that said simply “may you live in interesting times”! As if the definition of interesting meant only death, destruction, holocaust or something. Well, no, good can be the prime movers of interesting times, and I am not referring here to Brittney or Paris! I am talking about “we the people”.
Do you have any notion how much personal power that you have?
Start with this… if Einstein or somebody splits one atom enough energy gets released to decimate some number of miles in radius from that point. Well in your pinky? And that is just the physical. It is an historical fact that ideas have much more potential power as part of their nature than bombs! Consider this… if you were not so bleepin’ powerful at your inner core then why would the bastards who run this joint go through such efforts on so many fronts and falsely print so many billions of worthless dollars in order to keep you from finding out how powerful that you really are?

Well we do live in interesting times now and the “monster” has been stirred. And by the “monster”, I mean thee and me! In fact it is a basic definition in law..(human being See MONSTER. —Ballentine's Law Dictionary –1930). They conceive of us as monsters and that is why they are so afraid of us that they attempt to diminish our power! Does that give you a new view on what the words “war on terror” mean? Right! It is their war on our freedoms because they are terrified of us!!! Wouldn’t you try to do the same if you had some influence over a monster??? Lol

The revolution takes many forms. One front is the internet. Another front is the alternative energy movement. These have combined into something uniquely powerful and unstoppable and terrifying).
The advent of the Internet has made this alternative energy technology unstoppable. Also I have to tell you that the competition that it fosters is GOOD, actually VERY GOOD for all of us. That's due to the fact that the academic institutions and auto makers and the oil corporations alike have been force feeding us false information. We were coerced to believe that making fuel from water was impossible. Now we know the truth - it is very attainable.
So boiling it all down to the core we get that change is inevitable. You will soon see many more big and small manufacturers, installers dotting the landscape, and many 1000's of individual car owners and managers of fleets of cars exchanging notes and combining synergestically in the mutual quest for cheaper energy. And here’s you right at the beginning of it all so congratulations, I never met a finer monster!

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